Camille Russell Wooden Ministries


Pastors and churches, we desire to come alongside you and help you to get your members involved in ministry within the church.  Too many people are sitting in the pews and too many pastors are burnt out.  We will come alongside you to develop a plan to best serve your congregation.  The following are some ways this can be done:

1. Conduct a Destined for Discovery Seminar - This seminar will introduce your membership to the reality that they have gifts and that God has created them on purpose.  During this seminar your members will identify their gifts and begin to connect their gifts with the ministries of the church.  The goal is for members to leave the seminar identifying ways they can volunteer at the church. 

2. Teach and Equip your leaders to help other members.  This leadership training will teach leaders how to recognize the gifts in others.  It will teach leaders how to help members get involved in volunteering at church that they might go from the pew to purpose. 

3. Help you develop a Discovery Your Purpose Class in your church.  Members would take this class upon becoming a member of your church.  This class is designed to help members understand their gifts, to help the members become familiar with the ministries of your church, and to help members choose a ministry where they can volunteer  and further God’s mission for the church.


                  PLAN A - 2 day weekend seminar

                  PLAN B - 4 week bible study

                  PLAN C - Weekend leadership retreat

                  PLAN D - 4 consultation sessions

                  PLAN E - Development of a Discover Your Purpose class


  •   Two meetings with the Senior Pastor and/or Contact Person
  •   Two meetings with the Contact Person and Leadership Team
  •   Initial set up for a Ministry Description Brochure
  •   Initial set up for a Spiritual Gifts/Ministry Description Sheet


COST:  Each seminar is uniquely designed for your church. Cost will vary based on what you receive.  Call 626-792-5190 and one of our associates will help design the plan for you.